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Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. It’s is with great joy that I am writing to you giving an account of the input of Reborn Outreach to God’s people whom God has put under my care here in Kenya and Africa in general.

My name is Geoffrey Kamau Ngugi from Nakuru Kenya. I am a Pastor and also a Reverend, fully registered and recognized with Kenyan government and vested with powers to perform statutory duties, including, officiating of weddings, baptizing people, conducting burials, dedicating children, inviting missionaries from outside to come to Kenya and preach, etc..

Well, my acquaintance with Reborn, dates back to 2018, when I met with a man by the name Peter, who introduced me to Mr Jim P. Sherlock. From that time, my life and that of the people around me has never remained the same courtesy of Reborn under the management of Jim Sherlock.

When Reborn and Jim came to the scene, I had a little preschool, which is faith based, which was coming down due to financial constraints. The name of the preschool is Reborn Academy. This preschool is also comprised of very poor kids from the slum who can hardly afford two meals a day. Some don’t have parents. Some have single struggling parents.

Please allow me to mention some ways that we have benefitted from Reborn.

1. Through Jim and Reborn, the preschool has grown from 28 kids to 65 kids in a span of only 2 years.

2. Courtesy of Jim and Reborn, I have been able to set up a computer Centre, and renamed it Mike Obeso Computer Science Centre. Last year we received 10 laptops, bags and other items. The laptops have been used to show Christian movies to our kids to help them grow in godly ways.

We also thank God that this year again, Jim and Reborn have not forgotten us. Any time from now we will receive a shipment of about 30 laptops, a camera and so many other accessories that will help equip the computer lab. This will help us reach the young people with computer knowledge and transforming power of Christ’s Love.

3. Around one and a half years ago, the school, received around ten bibles to be used by kids. The teachers have been doing a sterling job of teaching the word of God to kids. They are able to memorize scriptures, recite poems and lead in prayers.

4. Through Reborn, the teachers have become more dedicated. They are able to serve our kids well because of the salary given by Reborn.

5. The Christian foundation, of our school has grown from one strength to another because of input of Reborn.

6. For the first time, with help of Reborn, we have organized a recreational trip for the kids. We were supposed to have it on the 25/3/2021 but the company we were visiting had a busy schedule. They gave us an appointment of next Thursday 01/01/2021.

We are requesting that this be a termly activity as it will help kids to get away from classroom boredom and have a practical approach to life.

7. Through Reborn, we purchased a tank that is used to store water for safe water drinking.

8. Through Jim and Reborn, I have been able to fence of the school compound, which has secured our kids.

9. Through Jim and Reborn, some very needy kids are getting free education, and breakfast.

That said and done Reborn has not stopped there. It is very very important to note the when Reborn came in to rescue a collapsing school, Jim never knew that ministry doors were also opening as follows

1.Through Reborn, we have feeding programs every week, where a group of about 40 people gather and are given the word God and food to sustain them. This has reached many poor, internally displaced, disabled, and other hopeless people.

2. With empowerment from Jim and Reborn, I have been able to start a soap ministry, where I gather elderly people and I buy and give them soap to ensure their hygiene.

3. Through feeding and preaching programs, some have given their lives to Christ. Two weeks ago, two people gave their lives to Christ after preaching to them about the love of God from Luke 10:25 ff.-The Parable of the good Samaritan.

4. Though Reborn, I have been able to start a prayer movement and also a fellowship, where prayers for families, Reborn activities and other so many issues are prayed for.

5. Through Reborn, I have been able to buy a speaker that I do use during the feeding and preaching meetings.

6. Through Reborn, after loosing the first wife in 2015, when she was giving birth, I have been able to get married to a lady by name Anastacia, just last year on December. Jim is sending me Ksh 10, 000 monthly for dowry payment.


1. I would like you to pray with us. We need about 60 bibles. Some for the school and some to be given in fellowship, and some to the new coverts.

2. Am requesting we make the recreational and educational tours on termly basis. This will give our kids an exposure.

3. We need an extra tank to save more cleaner water for our kids since they are increasing day by day. The tank will cost about Ksh 8000

4. The soap ministry reaches only 5 elderly people. I spend Ksh 3000 from my pocket to buy them soaps. If for a start am supported with Ksh 9000, I can increase this group to 10, and also diversify what to give them. This will attract blessings.

5. We have five kids who are in very great need of school fees, they were at the verge of not doing exam last term. We only charge a very very small fee to keep the kid to school. Ksh 23,000 will see these five kids learning throughout the whole term comfortably.

6. I need a piano keyboard and an amplifier. A good cheapest piano will cost Ksh 33,000, while an amplifier will cost Ksh 28,500. We also need a 100 seater tent, that costs around ksh 90,000. I already have seats. These will make the feeding and preaching programs easy. They will also ease the fellowship meetings. Many will be reached.

7. I also request we pray for our own school land. This will shield us from any undue envious eviction and also allow us to expand.

8. There is also another high school on sale, and if we secure that, it will run itself. It will also create employment opportunities. Reborn will not need to continue pumping money to sustain the school. It’s worth only USD 250,000. On this side, Peter and I can get Ksh 1.5 million from bank mortgage. If we get extra USD 100,000, we can give a down payment and then the rest we pay in several months.

9. Last but not least, the girl child from this internally displaced village in pipeline and a slum in Mogotio have a very big need for sanitary pads. Some have to literary use leaves to get lives going which is very unhygienic. If empowered, I can buy them sanitary pads.

Thanks so much Reborn for helping the helpless to smile. Thanks for the much love for the humanity.


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