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A Witchcraft Practitioner Get Saved

The following is a short summary of a witchcraft doctor who got saved. Joel Omare comes from a small village in kisii town which is in southern part of Kenya. He had been practicing witchcraft for a period of 15 years. He is well known by people living Kisii town by his witchcraft which he says to have inherited from his fore fathers.

When Reborn announced to provide free food for the poor orphans and elderly living in his area Joel didn't hesitate to come.

The food relief is normally given after our Sunday Reborn church services and so Joel come to church, sat at the back waiting for services to end so as to receive a share of the food. After attending several Sunday services, by the power of God Pastor Phineas noticed him and prayed for him.

Praises to God Joel got saved and is now a full member of Reborn Church. All the witch craft items where burnt for he is now a new person in Christ.

Joel comes to church on Sundays and also attends midweek prayers.

Praises to God.


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