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Reborn feeds A School In A Slum

Sharing is caring: Reborn Group feeds a slum school.

charles de lint once said, "I don't want to live in the kind of world where we don't look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I cant change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit". Just a little bit of kindness truly does change the world.

This is what exactly Jim Sherlock ( Reborn Group Founder) has doing through his Reborn Food Program. he has managed to feed hundreds of poor people. He has helped individuals, communities and the society at large. He has been to schools and helped a lot of poor children.

This time he helped a school in Bondeni slums in Nakuru; St. Paul's primary school. The children here are extremely poor, most cannot afford to have meals, not even in school. They're the kind whose parents barely make $1 in a day. And that's not the only problem, the parents mostly have more than two children. Imagine feeding around five mouths with nothing in your wallet but less than a dollar! Some of the children also happen to be orphans living with their grandparents or some relatives who are hardly in a position to help them.

Reborn group did a wonderful and most commendable job of feeding the poor children. They not only fed the children but also the community at the slums. Reborn does not do it just once but as long as they have the funds. God blesses the hand that gives and the people of Bondeni slums are really grateful and blessing the Reborn group. But the group cannot keep doing this without your donation.

We Reborn are making a difference in the world through charity and are calling upon more people to continue helping to support the destitutes. Great gratitude is sent to those who came and supported the Reborn group movement, the doors are open for more people to come. "Wealth is not to feed our egos, but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves, "Andrew Carnegie.

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