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Meet The Reformed Job Kariuki

Job was born in Burnt Forest town at a place known as Mawingu in 1992 when there were tribal clashes between Kikuyu and Kalenjin community.

Due to these conflicts he lose of my relatives and family friends. They had to run for their safety and so they choose Nakuru town which was 45 km from their home in Burnt Forest.

Getting to town was one great challenge since no vehicle was coming or leaving Burnt Forest town. They had to walk to Nakuru. To get to Nakuru they had to abandon the normal tarmac road and go throw the forest for their safety. Many people lose their life due to hash weather which caused lot of diseases.

One morning, after a long night of walking they came head to head with enemy fighters. Many lose their life's and Job, his mother and other few were rescued by Kenya defense forces (KDF) and taken to Nakuru showgrounds as refugees.

Due to hardship and peer pressure Job joined a gang of robbers where they pick-pocketed and robbed people in Nakuru town. He also got into drugs. Life in the street was difficult. Job was arrested number of times by the police and arraigned in court.

One afternoon job met a white man walking in the streets of Nakuru. His name is Mr. Jimmy .He asked him if I would like to change my life. Without hesitating Job agreed. Job was taken to rehab where he learnt a lot of things.

Today Job is not a drug addict anymore. He look forward to join college to study mechanics.

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