Emily's Story
Emily was rejected by her father, threatening to kill her. The father feels that Emily is useless and only puts burden on him. Emily ran...
Help Me Buy My Child A Wheelchair
The Following is a short story of Baby Paul who developed a medical condition 3 days after his birth. The child is in desperate need of a...
Reborn Feeds Widows And The Aged
60 families living mutaita estate in Nakuru received food relief courtesy of Reborn Feeding Program headed by its founder Mr Jimmy...
Reborn Receives Donation
Reborn wishes to thank Janice Lauria of Anytime Fitness for donating 50 pairs of sneakers. Reborn Foundation will deliver the donations...
Reborn Feeding Program
This is one of the most recent Reborn’s Feeding Program conducted in Mutaita Nakuru by Rev Geoffrey. This time round, he decided to reach...
Reborn Ships Donations
Reborn has shipped in the boxes donated almost new and some new clothing for babies, children and adults. Most people in this area only...
She Died Because She didn’t have $50!
As Reborn was delivering food to the poorest of families, Jimmy Sherlock found this woman lying on a broken couch in her mud hut...
Mama Zena's Life Story
Hello everyone. Reverend Geoffrey and his wife Anastacia invited the lady (left) above to their home this week. They ate together, ...
A Witchcraft Practitioner Get Saved
The following is a short summary of a witchcraft doctor who got saved. Joel Omare comes from a small village in kisii town which is in...
A Man Receives Healing
The man in the video above is Mr Dismus Munyeye who received Christ after many years of being mentally unstable. Mr Dismus Received...