Reborn, Touching Lives, Leaving Smiles
We may never be able to touch every life in this world but touching one life is more than enough. Reborn strives to bring a better world...
Helping Others Begets Blessings
A neighbor is anyone in need, anyone. In life we may not be able to control the tragedies that befalls us but what we can control is how...
Be Kind, Help A Child
Service to humanity is service to God and sharing is caring.Life is a journey where we are either existing or we being alive.We exist if...
Reborn Builds New Class Rooms in a Slum
Reborn has build new class rooms at school deep in the slums of Nakuru, Kenya. The school Blessed Winners School is a school that provide...
Reborn Builds New Classroom
Reborn has built a new classroom at Reborn Blessed Winners Academy. The school provide free education to the poor living in extreme...
Reborn Empowerment Program
Reborn has donated a laptop to Ruth. Ruth ( a mother of two) lose her job few months ago and was facing financial dificulties feeding her...
Maize Donation For Families
This week Reborn has extended its generous hand to the poor living in Kisii region. Families living in extreme poverty have received dry...
Reborn Donates Hearing Aid
Reborn has extended its generous hand to help a child get hearing aid. Meet Victor (13 years) is boy who partially lose his hearing...
Reborn Donates To the Widows and Orphans
This week Reborn extended its hand to the widows and orphans living in Kisii. The donation took place after church services headed by Pr...
Piano Lessons At Reborn Church
The above picture was taken at Reborn Church Kisii as children learn how to play piano. The training takes place every Saturday and...